In I recently tried to work with different media to produce the video. There is more than one way to approach it, which means not only by using, for example, the projector, TV, or VCRs. Actually, I'm very much interested in the appearance and disappearance of the images that may have an impact on the people’s sensation and perception. Therefore, I experimented with some different materials, such as the thermal ink, which can change the colour under the control of the external temperature. The changing images have created the timeliness of the art works, and it further makes me re-think the relationship between the video and the human senses.
by Feng Chen
Images appearing and disappearing are central to Chen Feng’s work – and, as a result, so is the factor of time. In his videos, frames alternate in a continuous loop. He points his camera at the things that constitute life – people and events – but by folding and layering their appearance he translates them into something confusing.Feng questions the manipulative power of media. He takes cameras apart and reconstructs them, altering the way they operate and represent the world. He dissects the synchronisation between visuals and audio, inserting a wedge between the different senses, leading us to question which sense we should trust. In the end, the truth may very well lie halfway.
Rijksakademie opening 2015
图像的出现和消失是冯晨在2015年荷兰皇家艺术学院公开展览的作品想要表现的核心内容。同样,时间这个概念也是其作品重要的组成部分之一。在他的影片中, 同样的镜头会不断地循环交替出现。冯晨将他的摄像机瞄准构建生活的事件和人物,但是他通过层层剥离它们的表象,将其转换为某种令人疑惑的呈现方式。冯晨的作品质疑媒介的权威性。他试图通过摄像机解构并且重建这种操控权,转换它们运作和再现世界的手段。他剖析影像作品中视觉和听觉的同步性,在不同感官间嵌入作品本身,从而导致观者产生疑惑: 我们到底应该相信哪一个感官的认知? 现实在他的作品里可能成为了一半真实一半谎言。
——荷兰阿姆斯特丹帝国美院 2015 开放展